It’s the 4LEGS Radio Charity Request-a-thon
11am – 1pm Charity Request-a-thon 2022 part 1 with Pete Brady
Join Pete Brady for the first 2 hours of the 4LEGS Radio Charity Request-a-thon. He’ll be playing dedications and lots of great music requested by you
1pm – 3pm Charity Request-a-thon part 2 with Chris Capel
Chris takes over for part 2 of the 8 hour Request-a-thon with more great music and dedications from the 4LEGS listeners.
3pm – 5pm Charity Request-a-thon part 3 with Tim Stutt
Tim Stutt takes the hot seat to play more of your dedications and requests
5pm - 7pm Charity Request-a-thon part 4 with Tim & Linda Forrester
Tim and Linda wrap up the final two hours of the Request-a-thon with more dedications and great music