The latest West Berkshire Council COVID guidance

Cases of Covid-19 are continuing to rise in West Berkshire, which we know will be of concern to our residents and communities. We continue to encourage everyone to stay cautious to protect yourself and others too.

At present, the national guidance is that Community groups can continue to run, however it may be worth reviewing the risk assessments that you have in place, to ensure that all available measures are in place to protect those attending. Particular things to consider are as follows:

  • Ventilation continues to be important and ensuring that fresh air is let inside or meeting outdoors where you are able to.
  • Face coverings are advised in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
  • Continue to encourage regular hand-washing, or the use of hand sanitiser.
  • Advising that anyone with symptoms suggestive of Covid-19, does not attend the group, but self-isolates and books a PCR test to confirm.

We also encourage all of our residents to take part in twice weekly lateral flow testing. This helps us to identify cases of Covid-19 early and reduce the spread within our communities. Further information on where to get hold of test kits can be found here:  Regular rapid lateral flow coronavirus (COVID-19) tests – NHS (

Vaccination is one of the most effective things we can all do to try and prevent the spread of Covid-19. We would encourage everyone to attend for their vaccination (1st and 2nd dose) if not done so already (Book or manage your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination – NHS ( Booster doses are now available for those who at most risk of Covid-19 and who had their 2nd dose at least 6 months ago. More information on who is eligible and how to book an appointment can be found here Coronavirus (COVID-19) booster vaccine – NHS (

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