Berkshire Youth are excited to announce that we are now recruiting for our new Kickstart work placements.
Young people are struggling to find employment at the moment, especially as certain sectors such as hospitality and retail have been particularly hit by the Coronavirus crisis. Our Kickstart Scheme is an exciting opportunity for people claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. You will gain valuable paid work experience for six months and employability skills to help you after your journey with us ends.
We have three exciting positions available:
- Training and Youth Work Assistant – 25 hours a week
This role will support the delivery of a number of youth and training programmes including leadership and personal development programmes to young people - Youth Work Assistant at The Wayz, Bracknell – 25 hours a week
This role will work closely with the Area Youth and Community Work Manager to support the delivery of a number of youth programmes including holiday provisions, evening youth clubs and community and school based support - Youth Work Assistant – Schools and Detached Team – 25 hours a week
This role will work alongside a team of youth workers offering 1-1 mentoring and group work sessions to young people within schools, as well as assisting the team with detached work throughout Berkshire
Criteria to Apply
- Aged 16 to 24
- Unemployed and in receipt of Universal Credit
- Referred by your Jobcentre Work Coach
- Be available to work for 25 hours per week
- Be able to commit to the role for 6 months
For more information, please talk to your Jobcentre Work Coach or email us.
Find out more about the Kickstart scheme by clicking on the links below:
- Kickstart – young people’s views
- BBC article re Kickstart
- Listen here to Chris Capel’s interview with Kate Armitage from Berkshire Youth during last Friday’s (19th Feb) Yabber Yabber show:
Yabber Yabber show with Chris Capel – 19th February 2021 by 4legsradio | Mixcloud
The interviews starts approximately 1 hour into the show