Would you like to do some exercise but you’re not as mobile as you used to be and you would ideally like to do some form of keep fit from home and possibly from your chair? Well now you can. Kate Wiggins from Get Berkshire Active has initiated regular free exercise sessions on Zoom specifically for older, frail and less mobile adults.
Here’s details of the weekly sessions throughout February:
Current virtual Wellbeing sessions
Mondays at 10am, Chair Yoga with Sami – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/136449158105
Tuesdays at 11am, Gentle Chair exercise with Debbie and Mandy from Mindset Massage – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctd-uppjwvHdD0UHLA0KM1bGFWFz-cUcYh
Wednesdays at 11am, Gentle Chair exercise with Kate – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/136450191195
Thursdays at 11am, Gentle Chair exercise with Kate – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/137594156827
Fridays at 11.15am, Gentle Chair exercise with Hayley – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/136450532215
All sessions are led by qualified instructors and are a gentle introduction with a warm up, cool down and time for virtual socialising at the end. But please consider the following safety and top tips before taking part;
Please consider the following safety and top tips before taking part;
- Ensure you use an area where you have enough space to take part. All of the sessions can be completed whilst seated but you will still need to be able to move your arms and legs.
- Ensure you use a sturdy chair.
- Keep water and a mobile phone or telephone close by.
- Consult with your GP or healthcare professional beforehand if you have any health related concerns about taking part.
For further details about these sessions and for guidance on how to use Zoom you should contact Kirsty Heath on mobile 07394 564540 and email: kirsty.heath@getberkshireactive.org or Kate Wiggins via email: kate.wiggins@getberkshireactive.org
Below is the code of conduct for participants taking part in the online classes