Here’s the latest update for the LNDP from Chairman of the LNDP Steering Group Sue Cocker:
The LNDP Steering Group (SG) has continued to meet and move forward on the Plan but, of necessity this year, the work has been slow.
The main achievement has been the writing, by the team at Lepus Consulting, of the Landscape Character Appraisal to inform the Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan (LCA), Nov20LC-629_Lambourn_LCA_23_031120ND. The SG worked closely with Lepus on the Appraisal and members are very pleased with the outcome. The LCA will, alongside the results of the Residents’ Questionnaire, be a vital part of the evidence base for policies in the NDP.
As we move forward with drafting policies, input is needed from Parishioners in the following areas:
Settlement Character Assessment: Thank you to those who have sent contributions already. More photographs and written descriptions of all the settlements in the Parish are needed. Examples such as materials used; good and bad design; types of boundaries, and how buildings fit in with their surroundings, both built and natural, are all very helpful. The LCA draws attention to the importance of trees to the appearance of Lambourn itself. What features contribute to the distinctiveness of the other Parish settlements?
The River Lambourn is of particular interest, linking the Valley settlements. It disappears, and then reappears, between buildings and vegetation, as well as seasonally. Before policies can be made concerning the river (and access to it) more information is needed.
Local economy and employment: The impact of business and industry on both the local economy and the environment will be an important part of the LNDP. To help formulate the Plan, feedback from businesses in the Parish is vital, as is a shared understanding of the needs of business and the wider community.
If you can help with any of the above, please get in touch with the SG via:
For those of you interested in West Berkshire’s planning policies (with which the LNDP must align) the Local Plan Review (to 2037) is out for public consultation. There are some changes relevant to Lambourn, particularly the proposed extension of the Protected Employment Area in Lambourn Woodlands. (A map of the PEA is attached). To view the consultation, go to: If you make any comments to WBC, it would be helpful if you would share them with the SG, via the email address above.