So here’s Friday’s Fabulous 4LEGS Radio schedule. Enjoy!
7am – 9am The Pete Brady Brady Breakfast Show
The usual great stuff to start off your Friday. Plus, the featured band this week at 8 o’clock is Blondie. Don’t miss it!
9am – 11am Yabber Yabber with Chris Capel
As Chris is away this week, here’s a chance to hear a repeat of our Nostalgia and Reminiscence interviews with Bob Wilder(Eastbury), Mick Dowdeswell(Lambourn) and Norman Cole(Lambourn). The trio tell tales of life in the Lambourn Valley during the past 50 years. Plus you have another chance to catch Chris talking to Rachel Peters from 4 Legs Radio sponsor Sovereign Housing. Rachel shares details of the type of support and services, which Sovereign is offering to clients and local communities during the Covid 19 crisis. Find out how people can access these.
11am – 12 noon. This Week with Penny
Penny catches up with Loose Wilkin, Chairperson of Lambourn Carnival Committee, and finds out what the revised plans are for this summer. Whilst things will be different this year, there is plenty to look forward to , including the Scarecrow competition, Car Treasure Hunt, 60 second Stop Motion Movie Challenge and Picnic on the Porch. Penny’s second guest will be entrepreneur Sarah McGill from the Newbury area. Sarah is a former air hostess and then corporate commuter, who found a gap in the market with women’s bags. Searching for a comfortable but stylish laptop bag, she decided there were none in the market and decided to develop her own. Having started from scratch, Sarah now sells her own Alder Style intelligent laptop bag and has been so successful she is a finalist in this year’s National Businesswoman’s Awards. She has some great advice for anybody else who has a great idea and is not sure how to start to develop it.
12 noon-1pm Knock Knock with Suzi Cairns
Another chance to listen to Suzi’s interview with Lambourn resident Ruth Pauling. Hear about Ruth’s extraordinary journey from Mauritius, via Australia, to the UK and then on to settle in rural West Berkshire.
1pm-2pm Pop Quizzical with Tim Stutt
Find out just how much you know about pop music with Tim’s latest popular quiz show.
2pm – 4pm Face2Face with Linda & Tim Forrester
This week, Linda and Tim welcome back Pat Heslop and hear from Peter Birtwhistle, who tells us about the brightest comet seen in ages. We have a new music hero, who died aged just 33, and we discuss another bear story, hear more biblical gaffes and learn what not to give your wife at Christmas.