On ‘Starts at Home Day’ 2019, Sovereign Housing Association is celebrating the people who live and work in its supported housing across the south of England and the Isle of Wight.
Sovereign has 1,420 supported housing properties across the south of England, ranging from homelessness provision, including Housing First, to flats for people with learning difficulties, to extra care facilities for people aged over 55 with care needs and to accommodation for young people and for those experiencing domestic abuse.
Seini Haynes, Lead Supported Housing Manager, is speaking about the day on 4 Legs Radio. She said: “Being able to live in your own home as independently as possible is an aspiration that most people have, but for some it’s just not possible unless the right support is in place. The support we provide ranges from helping people develop the right skills to move to independence up to providing a safe refuge for someone in a time of real crisis.”